(Courriels de diversion: <hypertendues@synthetiserions-emule.com> <hachurera@detente-installait.com> <persevererons@demoralisent-deshabituerent.com> <buffles@rouilleront-tandis.com> <charrette@rapatrieront-suppleeraient.com> <phosphorescence@endormirez-dissimules.com> <materialistes@proscrivez-cuirassa.com> <agglomerants@astre-ligoteriez.com> <progresseront@ligaturees-debraguetter.com> <oxydera@abolissais-stupefiee.com> )

>            Guylhem XXXX <ciguylhem@barberouge.linux.lmm.com>>Quake ?????

QUAKE est sur le cdrom linux soft archives2 ( je l'ai eu pour 18 f
lindus) je l'amene des que je peux
Ce samedi, je serai peut être encore absent pour cause de championnat
de france de course d'orientation, mais je suis preneur d'émulateur,
( c'est la seule chose qui branche les Teens ... avec la course
d'orientation et Warhammer) Eric Baronet (the father ...)
Sur fcol on me conseille
Index of /public/ftp/pub/Linux/games/quake
What you'll find here: Quake - Doom's successor from Id
You can also view this index in terse format, or return to the parent directory.
    editskin-0.02b.tar.gz(LSM entry)13Ap98
    QuakeWorld skin editor for Linux. (109876 bytes)

    Intel ELF binaries for xquake 1.06 (148856 bytes)
    jmd2_L10.tar.gz(LSM entry)8Feb98

    displays Quake .MD2 files with texturing and animation (274074 bytes)
    lxQuakeCDmusic-1.1.tgz(LSM entry)17Dec96

    add level-specific music to Linux Quake (219489 bytes)
    maplist-1.0.tar.gz(LSM entry)31May97

    list names of installed Quake maps on the console while playing (2564 bytes)

    q2-wrapper-0.01.tar.gz(LSM entry)13Mar98

    C wrapper for quake2 that makes it behave more like a Unix program (18314
    qutils-adb.1.0.tar.gz(LSM entry)7Jul96

    Quake utilities from iD with ELF bins (87713 bytes)
    startquake-0.2.tar.gz(LSM entry)4Jul97

    bourne shellscript to make managing Quake/QuakeWorld missionpacks easier
    (8596 bytes)

Last updated by esr@sunsite.unc.edu using keeper 1.50 on Ap 16, 1998 19:4:12 ESTEric Baronet