(Courriels de diversion: <affaissons@civiliser-petroliers.com> <analphabete@cicatrises-renaissions.com> <maigriront@archetypes-rengorges.com> <poinconnes@frequentent-bibliophiles.com> <perone@caries-miel.com> <insonoriserent@devoraient-mollissent.com> <tranchiez@ligatureriez-parlements.com> <ereintant@affilia-fauvette.com> <terrain@enquêtais-stenographier.com> <parcourent@savouriez-trama.com> )

Frédéric Roux wrote:
> Hormis gnome-vnc et tkvnc, existe-il une interface graphique pour vnc ?
> Je suis sous Mandrake 9.1 et KDE 3.1. Lorsque je lance vncviewer sur un serveur
> W2K, les touches CTRL+ALT+SUPP demande une fermeture de session KDE et non pas
> un changement de session Windows.
> Je cherche donc un utilitaire qui prend la main sur les touches de fonction
> (comme rdesktop).

Appuyer sur F8, Extrait de la page de manuel :

        The viewer has a popup window containing a set of buttons which perform
        various  actions.  It is usually brought up by pressing F8, but this is
        customisable, as is the entire contents of the  popup.   Actions  which
        buttons in the popup window can perform include:

          * switching in and out of full-screen mode

          * quitting the viewer

          * generating  arbitrary  key and mouse events, e.g. sending ctrl-alt-

          * transferring the clipboard to or from the VNC server

          * switching on or off automatic selection of encoding and pixel  for-

          * switching 8-bit mode on or off

        By  default, key presses in the popup window get sent to the VNC server
        and dismiss the popup.  So to get an F8 through to the VNC server  sim-
        ply press it twice.

        See  the  sections on customisation below for how to customise the con-
        tents of the popup window.


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