(Courriels de diversion: <degarniriez@booleennes-rêverie.com> <etouffe@villageoise-permissive.com> <impotente@eduquant-interiorisait.com> <folâtre@emmagasine-saxonnes.com> <surgelent@civettes-debroussailles.com> <banjos@fissuraient-arroser.com> <vengees@equipages-inutilisables.com> <recomposerais@ingenierent-gradue.com> <decevons@premedite-râlera.com> <anciennes@grincerait-eliminaient.com> )

 > Alors pourquoi aller s'entacher d'un demon supplementaire alors que
 > kerneld est un truc standard, qui tourne tout le tmps ??  En gros, c'est
 > quoi l'avantage de diald par rapport a kerneld ??

Question interessante. J'utilise diald a la maison mais s'il y a plus leger
je prends.

Voici une description de diald. Compare ca a ce que tu peux faire avec
kerneld ou pppd en mode dial on demand.

The central function of diald is to provide a "proxy" network device that
stands in for the physical connection to a remote site. Diald monitors the
packets sent to the proxy device, and whenever it thinks that a real link is
needed it tries its best to bring one up. (Of course it may not be able to,
for example, due to busy phone lines or hardware failures somewhere along
the line.) Once a real link is in place packets are routed through this link
rather than the proxy, and your network connection behaves as it would if
you had established it manually. Diald does, however, continue to monitor
the packets that go out over the network, and use this information to decide
when to bring the link back down. Currently diald can provide the following

    Force connections up or down at specified times, including forcing a
    connection up on a 24 hour a day basis.  

    Bring connections up and down based on the flow of traffic across the
    network. Diald tracks individual timeouts on traffic across each TCP or
    UDP connection that sends packets through the link. The rule set
    controlling diald can be configured to treat traffic differently
    depending upon the contents of the packet header. 

    Multiple copies of diald can be run simultaneously to provide
    connectivity with multiple remote sites.  

    Diald allows manual intervention to bring the link up or down, block it
    temporarily, or force it to stay up.  

    Diald can allow incoming connections. Using this feature you can
    construct a two way demand dialed link with a remote site, where either
    end can call the other when a link is needed. Diald will inter-operate
    smoothly with other demand dialing systems for SLIP and PPP links.  

    Diald will track phone usage, keeping track of the total connect time 
    for each session, as well as the amount of traffic passed. 

Tres configurable, il permet aussi par exemple de prendre en compte la duree
des impulsions selon le tarif (bleu/blanc/rouge) et il tiendra la ligne UP
tant que la prochaine impulsion n'est pas la si vous le lui demandez. Il
utilise une if slip (sl0) qui est toujours active (proxy) et route
directement les paquets vers ppp0 quand ppp est actif. Il faut donc SLIP et
PPP dans le kernel.


  Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/