(Courriels de diversion: <mesestimant@creees-resineuse.com> <contesterai@galvaudait-achalande.com> <impassibilite@ravitaillais-deprime.com> <porte-bagages@consolable-lancerez.com> <indecise@obtuses-impayable.com> <deteriorez@approximativement-postera.com> <reformes@commemore-defroncer.com> <verite@interêts-cacheraient.com> <sous-evaluerons@reapprends-sous-payerait.com> <enonciation@sous-payes-cuirait.com> )

Je vous transfère ce msg que j'ai reçu d'une liste voisine afin que vous
puissiez peut-être me dire si ce dont il est question pourrait effectivement
être utile aux non-voyants. Peut-être que oui mais j'en appelle aux doués du
Java pour me dire. d'après ce que je comprend ça pourrait servir pour la
lecture du Javascript utilisé de plus en plus sur le net. Est-ce que ça peut
servir à autre chose. si ça vous parle éclairez-moi.
D'avance merci.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Zoebelein" <hzo@gmx.de>To: <blinux-list@redhat.com>Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: New software that might be of use to visually impaired users (fwd)

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 10:38:55 +0200
> From: Rob Pitman <rob.pitman@icon.co.za>> To: hzo@gmx.de> Subject: New software that might be of use to visually impaired users
> Hi,
> I came across your "BLINUX FAQ" on the Net, and I would like to tell you
> about some software that may be of use to visually impaired computer
> users.
> I have written and published a library package which allows a Java
> application to display a "graphical" user interface on a text terminal
> (such as a VT100). The library contains most of the commonly-used
> "widgets" such as TextFields, Buttons, Labels, Dialogs, Lists, Tables,
> etc.  The library has an API based on that of the Java Foundation
> Classes (i.e. AWT and "Swing" classes), and uses the GNU ncurses library
> to do the updating of the terminal.
> Actually I didn't develop the library with blind users in mind, but
> because the Java programming language did not have any interface to
> "legacy" text-based terminals. But I have since discovered that
> visually-impaired users can interface relatively easily with text-based
> terminals. If my software can help them in some way, so much the better.
> It could conceivably be useful in displaying Web pages or running Java
> applets.
> I have published the software under the GNU LGPL licence, (i.e. it is
> free).  Further information and the source code, screenshots and a test
> program are available at http://www.pitman.co.za/projects/charva
> Yours sincerely
> Rob Pitman
> rob@pitman.co.za> Irene
> Centurion
> South Africa
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