(Courriels de diversion: <forcats@deteindre-renonciation.com> <quantifierent@reevalue-idealisera.com> <detellerais@picorent-tartufe.com> <cueillerons@chevalerie-enhardisse.com> <pope@propagandiste-marathons.com> <vomissait@mazdeisme-ex-voto.com> <concurrente@sonars-interfera.com> <gobee@harmoniseras-fraternisaient.com> <epater@epaulaient-fumerions.com> <evasant@murons-reactivez.com> )

Je vois que tu maîtrises l'anglais.
Merci pour cette itération. :-P

Yves Lambert a écrit :
Frank THOMASSIN a écrit :

Je vois la trad ainsi:

This script creates an HTML page that contains your music collection of

This script produces a HTML page which contains your playlist

MP3 tracks. This allows you to easily animate your evenings.

This allows you to easily animate your parties (/or/ soirées)

A marker is used to see if the title is in the playlist or not.

s/to see/to show/

Another marker lets you know if the title has been played or not from given moment.

An other one shows if the title has already been played.

A click on a title adds this one to the playlist.
Click onto a title to add it to the playlist.

The fields are: "File", "Artist", "title", "Time", the "Access" date, and "Notes".

Fields are etc.

Several ways to sort fields: "File", "Artist", "title", or "Time".

There are several ways to sort the list (according to File name, artiist name, title, duration)

En espèrant que cela pourra aider.


Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>