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désolé de orwarder ce message mais cette copie s'adresse aux personnes abonnées ayant réfléchi à la plateforme reactive
"open source" suite àl'explosion de grande paroisse en 2001.

- -------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Web Application for project
Datum: 11 Oct 2005 18:22:11 -0000
Von: f_kenisky at earthlink.net <http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-tech>
An: webappsec at securityfocus.com <http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-tech>

Hello to all.

I hope this message finds it's way to this group.  It?s a long winded
post which I hope I can summarize quickly but fully explain.

I am working on a web project to assist with a disaster recovery effort
that can be used worldwide.  Big task.  Simple idea.

Working with the ARC here in San Antonio as a volunteer IT staff person
and during a few meetings I discovered the need for a quick type of web
based program that could be set up at the time of a crises and used by many.

Here's the basic concept.

To have software that can be installed on a web server that can be used
to keep a database of volunteers, evacuees and equipment.

I call the project Disaster Asset Management Network or The DAMN
Project.  After the Katrina disaster I noticed several specials on the
discovery and history channels.  They focused on what went wrong during
disasters and the reasons these things went wrong.

Now we can arm chair quarter back this thing till we're satisfied the
right person got the blame but the common thread I thought I saw was the
ability to quickly react to the problem with the right resources.

How can a web-based application do this?  The first thing is that this
DAMN project does require some community involvement and corporation.
The immediate aftermath of Katrina brought about a need for a quick
reaction to help the survivors.  People were separated from families.
Equipment was donated, loaned, borrowed etc.  And volunteers expert in
IT were used as kitchen help.

Looks like a serious fire drill run in zero gravity.

An application that could be developed that would address these three
areas would be of great benefit to any area that suffers a disaster.
With the problems in Guatemala or India and Pakistan these natural
problems are pretty much here to stay not to mention man made problems.

I?m trying to set up a Forum / WIKI to get things rolling so people can
set up test sites and others can begin writing code.  I want this to be
an open source project so that anyone who needs it can use it.

Thanks for any help.

- --
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