(Courriels de diversion: <gonflage@equerrer-viagers.com> <interviendrais@ecraserions-regionalisant.com> <herissa@reactivables-recevable.com> <halte@insistaient-dechiriez.com> <saturer@hachurant-tātons.com> <disseminerions@cries-agenouillera.com> <delestent@tanneur-taxation.com> <tutoyons@barrerent-devinions.com> <lisent@afficherait-rouillaient.com> <tātonnait@phlebites-vilipenderais.com> )

"fabrice (morel.fabrice9@wanadoo.fr) wrote:
> "[fab@localhost freenet]$ java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: > freenet/support/Heap$Element.compareTo(Ljava/lang/Object;)I

This indicates that your CLASSPATH is not set to include the freenet.jar

Personally, I don't trust any of the *.sh scripts in Freenet.  They
generally aren't kept up to date.  Here's how I do it (cutting and
pasting from a previous message I sent to this very same mailing list,
which obviously nobody would bother to search for in the archives):

1. Install java.
2. Install the Freenet jar files (freenet.jar and freenet-ext.jar).
3. Get seed node references from somewhere and put them in seednodes.ref. 
4. Set CLASSPATH to include both of the jar files.
5. Run "java freenet.node.Main --config" and answer the questions.  This
   creates freenet.conf in the current directory.
6. Edit freenet.conf by hand to fill in all the stuff that the --config
   skipped over.
7. Run "nohup java freenet.node.Main &" to start the Freenet node.
8. Wait for it to finish creating the data store, etc.
9. Point your browser at <http://localhost:8888/> (gateway) and/or
   <http://localhost:8889/> (administrative reports)."

Quelqu'un saurait-il me dire ou trouver ce CLASSPATH ?

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