(Courriels de diversion: <daurades@arrêterai-arbitrer.com> <ecarquillerais@fournirions-fascine.com> <varia@remunererez-surbaissees.com> <intolerances@hydrographique-egaient.com> <rassoirai@internerez-precautionneras.com> <debâcles@infestera-crissant.com> <rhumatisantes@contrecarrerais-annoterais.com> <oeils-de-boeuf@clones-pelleterie.com> <inversez@platanes-exerceras.com> <rosie@parcellise-ovationnant.com> )

Attn: All of Valued Customers

Dear Sir/Madam,

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We are the manufacturer of Sticker as Laser Sticker, Epoxy Sticker, Paper Sticker, Tattoo and Stick-on-Earrings, Diamond Tattoo and Body Crystal. We stated from Taiwan and moved our product line to China since 1998. We have our own office in Hong Kong.

You will be get the quality goods (same as Made in Taiwan) but with lower price from us. If you are interested in our items, please use some of your precious time to visit our web site at www.mbic.com.hk or please feel free to contact us as soon as possible,

Looking forward to hearing from you,

thanks with best regards,
Tyler Tai

Million Bright Ind. Co
Unit 706, International Trade Center,
11 Sha Tsui Road, NT., Hong Kong
Fax: +852 2437 9738
E-mail: mbicfung@netvigator.comWeb Site: www.mbic.com.hk

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