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Bill Joy recites at SF Poetry Slam
By Routers staff troll writer Django Shoenstopper, Copyright, 1999

Bill Joy, best known as one of the principal engineers and Operating
Systems software developers at Sun Microsystems, and formerly a core
developer of the free BSD UNIX operating system written at the
University of Berkeley in the late '70's and early '80's, let down his
hair yesterday and was caught reciting at a well known San Francisco
Poetry Slam. Mr. Joy took the stage right after the well known Amistad
Maupin, author of the classic <i>"Tales of the City"</i> series,
recited his famous <i>"Ode to the claw-like scratches on this '70's
bath house table"</i> during the <i>"Queen Phatima Amazon-Girl With
Short-Spiked-Hair Poetry Slam"</i> and let loose his own sort of
software <i>"Howl"</i> to the delight of audience software developers
and the engineering uninitiated alike.

Entitled <i>"Free means <b>FREE</b> GODDAMMIT! (the GPL is
<b>EVIL</b>)"</i> Mr. Joy eloquently presented his opinion on the Free
Software licensing debate which has raged through engineering circles
ever since East Coast programmer and Free Software advocate Richard
Stallman hired several copyright attorneys to develop his so-called
<i>"CopyLeft"</i> General Public License.

Here is an excerpt:


Free means <b>FREE</b> GODDAMMIT! (the GPL is <b>EVIL</b>)

I sit here at my terminal
coding a storm in my vi,
a malloc() for some array,
while strncpy() bounds a check,
but inside I seethe --  inside I rumble,
at all the lines locked up,
and the derived headers claimed with glee,
for I know the caged free()
consumed by the GPL!

Free means <b>FREE</b> GODDAMMIT,
it means I take and offer as I please,
it doesn't mean to taint my work,
just because I swiped some header,
or one little readline, 
it's the state of being <b>FREE</b>,
as opposed to the state of being <b>NOT FREE!</b>

Don't you understand RMS,
the  GPL is <b>EVIL!</b>,
it's a blight of a free license,
and a virus to behold,
consuming all code afterwards,
in an atomic chain reaction,
like red tide spread across our ocean,
all our oysters now inedible!

Free coders far and wide,
listen to my swan-song by the sea,
for while Solaris kicks BSD's ass,
and my SCSL is a sight to see,
at least BSD and MIT leave code <b>FREE</b>,
unlike that <b>UNAMERICAN</b> red GPL crap,
with it RMS will suck you dry,
Because Free means <b>FREE</b> GODDAMMIT!
and <i>The GPL is <b>EVIL</b>!</i>


When asked for comment Richard Stallman had only this to say,"Wow,
Bill is a <i>terrible</i> poet!" 

But some here suspect that Mr. Stallman's response only belies both his
East Coast snobbery for missing out on the new poetry slam revolution
here in San Francisco, and his envy at Mr. Joy's enlightened West
Coast writing style and attitude.

(sources: gnutroll <AT> yahoo <DOT> com)

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