(Courriels de diversion: <communale@surgissions-planifierons.com> <degarniriez@booleennes-rêverie.com> <etouffe@villageoise-permissive.com> <impotente@eduquant-interiorisait.com> <folâtre@emmagasine-saxonnes.com> <surgelent@civettes-debroussailles.com> <banjos@fissuraient-arroser.com> <vengees@equipages-inutilisables.com> <recomposerais@ingenierent-gradue.com> <decevons@premedite-râlera.com> )

Extraits choisis du 'man ps' sur digital Unix OSF 4.0D. <defunct> semble etre 
synonyme de <zombie>. Notez egalement le status U.

       R   [Digital]  Runnable process.
       U   [Digital]  Uninterruptible sleeping process.
       S   [Digital]  Process sleeping for less than about 20 seconds.
       I   [Digital]  Idle (sleeping longer than about 20 seconds) process.
       T   [Digital]  Stopped process.
       H   [Digital]  Halted process.


           A process that has exited but whose parent process has not waited
           for it.

           [Digital]  A process for which user area information could not be
           obtained due to a shortage of system memory.

           A process that is blocked trying to exit.


   1.  [Digital]  When you enter a ps command while running an application
       that forks child processes, you might see some child processes listed
       as being in the <defunct> state after they have exited.  Processes in
       this state cannot be killed until the process that forked them is

       [Digital]  The system puts exiting child processes in the <defunct>
       state if their parent process is still running and has not caught the
       SIGCHLD signal or executed a wait() system call.

       [Digital]  To avoid having users encounter this problem when they run
       your application, make sure that your program logic either catches the
       SIGCHLD signal or executes a wait() system call when spawning a child


mailto: mathieu.belleville@avions.aerospatiale.fr
"Black Holes are where God divided by zero"

  Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/