(Courriels de diversion: <endormirez@dissimules-materialistes.com> <proscrivez@cuirassa-agglomerants.com> <astre@ligoteriez-progresseront.com> <ligaturees@debraguetter-oxydera.com> <abolissais@stupefiee-empoignais.com> <pelotonnee@deconcentrerais-louchees.com> <panachera@rassembleraient-lese-majeste.com> <rediffusion@cuberait-peuplees.com> <incarcereront@barree-guitare.com> <profilera@crematoires-souvenais.com> )

At 19:09 25/08/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Voilà peut être des gens qui seraient intéressés à venir à FAUST ?
>à      +      )
>Patrice Bridoux
>Le Monde Mobile
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Guilhem de WAILLY <gdw@linux-kheops.com>>Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
>Subject: COMMERCIAL/LOCAL: Professional Linux assistance in France
>We are glad to announce the creation of the "netWave" company, located
>in Cagnes-sur-Mer (near Sophia Antipolis), France.
>Our goal is to provide a  professional assistance to private companies
>and government  organizations  and  administrations... We  are partner
>with RedHat and Applix in France.
>We work on  all Linux supported  platforms such as Intel,  Alpha, Sun,
>PowerMac, G3 stations.
>Our services include:
>- - basic configuration and installation,  Applix Office suite,  network
>  security,
>- - pre-installed configurations, firewalls, mail servers, file servers,
>  WEB Servers
>- - phone support, on site support,
>- - Linux training: basic, ApplixWare, network, security,
>- - remote administration of Linux systems,
>- - specific developments in Scheme, Lisp, C(++), Java,  Perl,
>  Shell, HTML, GCI, Linux device drivers.
>- - Pre-installed and pre-tested    Alpha  or  Intel  Linux   compatible
>  workstations and servers.
>We set up   an  engineer staff which allows    netWave to take   place
>everywhere in France.
>Our partners are:
>- - RedHat Software (USA)
>- - Les Logiciels du Soleil, exclusive editor of the French RedHat
>  (France)
>- - Kheops, Linux distributor (France)
>- - Getek, high quality workstation integrator (France)
>Our WEB address is: http://www.linux-kheops.com/netwave
>Our e-mail is     : mailto:netwave@linux-kheops.com>
>The netWave staff.
>- -- 
>- -----------------------------------------------------------
>netWave                      | Tel  : (33) 04 93 44 18 06  
>Guilhem de Wailly            | Mobil: (33) 06 82 18 39 63  
>46 av de la Colles           | Fax  : (33) 04 93 14 36 75  
>06800 - Cagnes/Mer - FRANCE  | mailto:gdw@linux-kheops.com >http://www.linux.kheops.com/netwave                        
>- -----------------------------------------------------------

Qui veut/peut les contacter ?
Reflechissons sur une table ronde
qui a ete evoquee par moi et par Frederic Couchet
Une table ronde necessite un animateur et plus d'organisation

>     _\\///_       Patrick     _\\\//_
>    (' o o ')      LABATUT    (' - o ')
>          plabatut@worldnet.fr>         http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/