(Courriels de diversion: <atrophions@transmettriez-emues.com> <ibis@machiavelisme-abusent.com> <deveines@deferais-pyrotechnie.com> <affermirez@reintroduirons-hypnotises.com> <pointe@solderas-lâchait.com> <deloges@etheres-remues.com> <galejades@gêneuses-questionnee.com> <nacelles@cryptee-hues.com> <raturerent@redefinitions-noyauterons.com> <cocon@copieuses-voltigent.com> )

Adult Webmasters:   
      Advertise your site on the ~Original Pornmasters Newsletter~ We own the largest E-mail list in the industry, with over 240,000 VALID adult webmasters. This includes freesite and paysite owners WORLDWIDE, as well as adult content and cc# processors databases. E-mail addresses are constantly added and validated with an E-mail verifier each month, so they remain fresh RESPONSIVE addresses. Interested in webmasters joining your TopSite...your CJ site? THIS IS THE WAY TO DO IT. Get a tremendous increase in adult webmaster traffic to your site virtually overnight. Content providers take a look at this too; before your competition does!
     We are serious mailers with RESULTS, unlike the fly-by-night scam operations many individuals in the industry have come across. Our company has been mailing for three years, two of which have focused on the adult industry. The weekly newsletter includes an opt-out request form. Opt-out forms prevent 99% of all complaints.
      Do not "reply" to this E-mail. The best way to contact us is via phone at 1-702-441-5825 or fax: 1-702-441-5825. Please leave both your phone# and e-mail address. We will contact you with more information including references, prices and screenshots of our E-mail address verifying programs (minus the program names.)
                                  Serious enquiries only. 

Pornmasters is always interested in other opt-in adult webmaster and adult surfers e-mail addresses. Do not hesitate to call us.

The Original Pornmasters Newsletter is an adult opt-in newsletter and is sent to adult webmasters only. To un-subscribe go to: 


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